January 12, 2023

Boat Lift Maintenance & Boat Dock Upkeep Guide

Boat Lift Maintenance & Boat Dock Upkeep Guide

Written by ShoreMaster Marketing

Your boat dock isn’t merely a place to walk out to your boat: it’s also a place to relax, entertain loved ones, and get some sun, fresh air, and time on the water. Your boat lift is one of the most important investments you can make in your boat’s value and performance. Neither should be neglected and, just like any other part of your home or big investment, should be maintained with love and care to keep performing well for years to come.

ShoreMaster KW Dock Layout

For Boat Docks

No matter what material your dock is made from, it can generally benefit from a good pressure washing to remove any dirt. If you have wood docks, you’ll probably need to sand the decking panels after this is done to avoid splinters, and if you’re due for re-sealing your dock, it’s a good time to get that done. Steel parts should be sanded, primed, and painted where applicable. Visually inspect your dock as often as possible to ensure nothing is amiss, and take care of any small problems you see before they become much larger ones.

ShoreMaster docks, like all boat docks, should be kept high enough out of the water that the waves pass underneath rather than through or over it. They shouldn’t require much maintenance or even cleaning throughout the boating season thanks to high-quality construction and low-maintenance but durable materials like aluminum. Still, you should check for loose hardware when appropriate. If you’re storing your dock for the winter or otherwise taking it out of the water, remove the decking and stack it properly. If you’re keeping it out in the elements, keep it covered and clearly marked, especially if you’re in a snowy area.

For Boat Lifts

Traditional boat lifts and hoists require regular maintenance, especially because all the moving parts are crucial to the safety of your watercraft. Make sure you regularly inspect your entire boat lift system, from the cables and fasteners to the bunks. Lubricate cables and chains and grease gears and pulleys. Tighten all of the bolts and other fasteners. Keep the lift and cradle beams out of the water where possible, and rinse after each use, especially in saltwater. You can avoid pricier repairs by inspecting your boat lift each time you use it, but a professional inspection can help confirm that your boat lift is ready to go each season.

If you’re using a ShoreMaster vertical lift, ensure that all of the cables are riding on pulleys and that those pulleys turn freely while raising and lowering the lift, even without your boat. If the pulleys aren’t turning freely, inspect them and the brushings for wear and replace them as appropriate. Otherwise, clean them and add anti-seize grease. While looking at the cables, check for fraying and replace them where appropriate.

Save on Dock and Lift Maintenance with ShoreMaster

You want your boat and your loved ones safe and secure on the water’s edge, which means investing in a premium boat dock and boat lift system. ShoreMaster pioneered the welded aluminum boat dock that set the industry standard. We continue to be proud innovators and passionate waterfront enthusiasts determined to keep your boat maintenance to a minimum and your waterfront experience fun and stress-free. For more information on our products, installation tips, or answers to your waterfront questions, get in touch with a ShoreMaster dealer in your area